Cochlear implantation is a surgical procedure performed by otolaryngology surgeons (otologists). Cochlear implants have been FDA approved for over three decades and the advances and improvements in the technology have been amazing. The Food and Drug Association (FDA) and the American Medical Association (AMA) recognize cochlear implants as safe and effective treatment for severe-to-profound sensorineural hearing loss. Most insurance programs pay (at least partly) for cochlear implantation. Your surgeon, your audiologist, and their appropriate office staff are experienced at managing insurance issues.
Appropriately identified adults as well as profoundly deaf children (starting at age 12 months) can be implanted. Research demonstrates that the earlier a deaf child is implanted, the better the long-term result will be with respect to speech and language development. Following surgery, rehabilitation is necessary, as the child must learn to associate the sound signals with normal sounds. Regarding deaf adults, research suggests that adults who receive cochlear implants are less lonely, have less social anxiety, are more independent, have increased social and interpersonal skills, and of course, they hear better with the cochlear implant!
Cochlear implants are utilized in the patient who cannot benefit from hearing aids. The cochlear implant is a device used to bypass the non-functional inner ear and converts sound into electrical impulses that directly stimulate the cochlear nerve. The implant consists of an external portion comprised of a microphone, sound processor, and external coil and an internal portion that must be surgically implanted. The surgical procedure involves the placement of an internal receiver beneath the skin behind the ear, and stimulating electrode array, which is inserted into the cochlea or inner ear. The electrical signals are manipulated and controlled by the audiologist to maximize speech perception. The brain interprets these electrical impulses as sound. Again, not all patients are surgical candidates, and not all cochlear implant recipients receive the same benefit.
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